Is there an Applications and Interpretations version of this website?
Yes, there is an Applications and Interpretations version of this website. There is also an MYP version.
How many questions are there in the question bank?
The graph below shows how many points are available per unit per level. In the cases where a question contains topics from multiple units the points have been divided among those units proportionally.

The total number of questions is and the average number of points per question is . New questions are being added almost daily.
Why do some questions appear in both paper 1 and paper 2 searches?
If a calculator is of no use to the question, or does not change the concept that is being assessed, then the question is classified as a calculator optional question and will appear in both paper 1 and paper 2 searches.
When searching for questions can I search by level?
The Analysis and Approaches course is designed in such a way that the standard level course is a subset of the higher level course. To search by level please search for specific topics in the level of the course you wish to search.
Are the mark schemes accurate?
The mark schemes are a rough guide as to how points will be awarded in the actual exam. Teachers please use your own professional judgement when grading a piece of work as to whether you think the student has answered the problem in a thorough and correct way.
Why do some questions appear differently when viewing on a tablet / mobile device compared to when viewing on a computer?
Questions are displayed using custom built software. Each question, including its equations, diagrams and graphs, is created directly in your browser. Certain things may look different in tablets and mobile devices due to the fonts used by these devices. For best results please print tasks from a computer.
Is the program used to create the questions available for use?
The program is one part of an interconnected piece of custom software written in HTML5, JavaScript, PHP and MYSQL created specifically for this website. As such the program is not available for others to use.
Is this website an official IB product?
This website and all of its content has been developed independently from and is not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. International Baccalaureate, Baccalauréat International, Bachillerato Internacional and IB are registered trademarks owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization.
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